I believe in God. He is the Grand Architect of the Universe. Life would not make any sense to me with out Him. People have tried for years to explain away the events both natural and caused by man's deeds with science alone or myths and legends. Details are always missing in the story or matters not explained. These matters are usually dismissed. On the Discovery Channel, a program attempted to explain miracles form the Bible with just science. Basically the program claimed the miracles were just naturally occurring events that happened solely to nature. So, in that exact moment the Israelites needed passage across the Red Sea science said the puzzle pieces just happen to fall in place.
Take a 6-piece puzzle and shake all of the parts up while still in the box. Now open the box up. You will find pieces in all sort of unorganized positions. Feel free to repeat as often as you like. How many attempts would you guess it would require opening the box and seeing the puzzle arranged in its correct order? Apply this same principle to a larger puzzle, 100 pieces, and 1000 piece, maybe a 100,000-piece puzzle. Look at the Earth. Some scientists believe that matter just combined and formed the planet. Remember the puzzle pieces in the box? Yes, some scientist say it works just that way, and not once but countless times across the known and unknown universe. This, they say, was accomplished with matter found randomly, that randomly happened to crash into each other at the precise moment it was needed. Want to try the puzzle in the box trick again? But this time, let us make it a more accurate test. We will attempt at puzzle with 5 trillion pieces. I can just imagine the scientist or non-believers that attempt the puzzle in the box test. They are shaking their boxes and then viewing the contents with a new failure over and over again. Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over yet expecting different result. He was a scientist who believed in God. This belief in God grew from his knowledge of natures and science. Not all scientists agree with Mr. Einstein. In my mind's eye, I can see them dismissing the results with worldly rhetoric and exclaiming, "My God, this is heavy?" after a few thousand failed tries. I think some scientists believe that God must be mystical. That being said, God must be the opposite of science. I believe God works using the laws of science, just on a much higher level.
Do you still some doubts? Get your box and puzzles ready, on my count we shall start shaking, 1... 2 ... 3... Well, you all go ahead. I already know how this turns out. No matter how you try to break the universe down into explanations or theories, there will always be some missing puzzle pieces. Maybe they will be slightly out of place, or may even be way off, but some how some way things will just not add up. You may call it faith. I, however, know it is fact. Man has never been able to fully explain the nature of the universe with science, myth or legends, unless they include God. He is the Eternal Father, Master and Architect of the Universe.
I submitted this essay to www.thisIbelieve.com
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